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Way By Area Improve page

“Ahm, Are you sure this is right?” Bob says as he sees the different ways. Uh oh!

We’ve managed to successfully query for ways of the name “Innstraße”, but unfortunately, it seems that there are actually quite a few ways that are named the same!

This is obviously unacceptable - Overpass showed us all the ways named “Innstraße” around the world, but we’re only interested in the “Innstraße” near Bob.

Since we know we Bob is in Passau, what we can do is to query for the ways that is only in Passau. Again, we use the area query to do this.

  1. We only need to query for ways in Passau! Ways can be filtered by area the same way as nodes.
  2. Query for an area that has the tag key name and tag value Passau. Remember that our area needs to be placed before our way query, otherwise the area won’t flow to the way filter.
  3. Add the area filter in our way statement. Remember that nodes are filtered by area with the form node(area);
That doesn't seem right! Use the area filter on the existing way!
area[name=Passau]; way(area)[name="Innstraße"]; out geom;